The Cucked Right

The American Right is cucked. We all know that at this point, whether people want to acknowledge that or not. As it stands, there is no hope of united Right wing that has the moral imperative and drive to beat the Left. Instead the Left continues to drive everything further into myopia, and the Right stands around and beats its chest, winning small battles while losing the War. The battle over the 2020 election signifies that. Most of the Right (GOP, Conservative Inc. and Populist Inc.), have stood around, and either have accepted a Trump loss or is not actively fighting for a Trump victory. This ineptitude has further been proven by the critiques of many on the nationalist/Dissident Right, who were for many years sidelined by the Establishment.

The problem inherently with how the Right operates, is that it simply is unwilling/unable to create a moral paradigm of squashing the Left. While the Left promotes drag queen story hour, transgender kids and is more than willing to use force in violent and non-violent ways, the Right doesn’t do that. Instead of activism on the streets and in the halls of power, the Right gives money to organizations like Heritage and AEI, which do nothing but put on articles about “free markets, small governments and religious liberty.” Not only do these organizations suck up donor money and resources, they fail to mobilize people to do activism.

So what is the solution, one may ask. The solution is first realizing why the Right went wrong and then moving out of the Center Right. As it stands, the only people who are going to take back our country are young nationalists and patriots who actually care. As well as that, the Right should be willing to adopt strategies of the Left without becoming the Left. This includes meaningful activism and channeling youthful energy into network and decentralized groups who can take over institutions and become involved within politics.

The end goal for many on the Right should not be to become the next GOP senator or congressman fatcat in Washington. Instead it should be becoming America First and eventually building networks and groups of people who can be mobilized to do something.

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