Post Election and #StoptheSteal

When I wrote here last time, I was talking about the incoming election and the battle that was going on. The battle is still going on, suffice to say over the legitimacy of the election. On Tuesday night, Trump was leading in PA, MI, WI, GA, and was contesting AZ and NV. Yet, over several days, Joe Biden “won” AZ, NV, MI, WI, GA and “won” the election. For those in the know however, this supposed win is completely illegitimate and there are many ways to prove it.

For one, if Trump was up by 700,000 at one point in PA, and 400,000 in MI, why did it take until the early morning for new ballots to come in and to change the election. Wouldn’t the ballots come in at least at 11 for any results to change? As well as that, the ballots went 85% Biden, 15% Trump, which in my opinion seems odd. The fact that the majority of thee ballots went for Biden shows at least some fraud.

But’s let’s dig in deeper. According to a Twitter thread by @YoDatElefant, the new ballots that came in for Joe Biden violated Bedford’s Law. Bedford’s law basically helps determine fraud in different elections. The charts provided show that virtually Joe Biden had no chance with Trump leading by several hundred thousand votes in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. However these votes that came in were statistically impossible to be real at a certain point. Moreover, many of the votes came in major cities like Detroit and Milwaukee, and as a result, Biden was put over the top in Wisconsin and Michigan.

What has come from these results is not simply a “projected Biden win” but a pathetic failure from the GOP and Conservatism Inc. As of now, the GOP has basically done nothing to protect Donald Trump, instead focusing on a lame runoff in Georgia. While this runoff gives control of the Senate, it’s amazing that no effort has been seriously made to contest this election outside the GOP. No organizations, figures and people have even tried to do anything. Even Tucker Carlson has been disappointing on the fraud and what has been going on.

However, people that were considered blacklisted by Conservativism Inc. have been stepping up. From Nick Fuentes to Alex Jones, new leaders are coming into the fold, with a nationalist, populist, America First message. You can see this effort in D.C, with the Million MAGA March two weeks ago, where Nick Fuentes gave a rousing speech to thousands of conservatives and young patriots. Elsewhere across the country, Congressman Paul Gosar and others have stepped up to the plate in Phoenix, Harrisburg, Lansing and Atlanta to continue the #StopTheSteal movement.

One reflection at the end of the day is that this grassroots action by conservatives and young patriots is not going away. More people will need to be willing to take action to save President Trump and America as whole. As well as that, this America First message preached by Tucker Carlson, Nick Fuentes and the president himself is only growing stronger and becoming more vindicating. A year ago, many people would not believe that if a contested election scenario occurred, people like Charlie Kirk and Ben Shapiro, along with Conservative Inc. wouldn’t be helping President Trump. Yet the failure as I alluded earlier is only going to draw more people to the side of nationalists. And if Trump gets four more years in office, expect dramatic change in the second term on issues like immigration and trade.

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