2020 Election: The Battle for the Soul of America

America, as we know it in 2020, is deeply divided. Nothing unites Americans, and as Peter Brimelow has said “It has come to blood.” The 2020 election is more proof of it, more than anything. As we will see in 3 days, either Donald J. Trump or Joe Biden will win the election. Both candidates have two distinct and noticeable visions that define what America going foward is. It’s simply not a choice of two neoliberal puppets as some have made it out to be. This election is a fight for the soul of America and the two nations living within it. The first nation is Middle America or the Traditional American Nation. This is the America we have all known in the past, for men like Teddy Roosevelt, Andrew Jackson, Robert E. Lee and George Washington. These great men are heroes to this nation and define it’s identity. This nation is defined by Trump, the rising nationalist movement, consisting of people like Michelle Malkin, Tucker Carlson, Nicholas J. Fuentes and many more. On the other side is the new-Post American nation. This is the nation of Martin Luther King Jr., John Lewis, Barack Obama and many more. This nation is formed out of the 1965 Hart-Cellar Act and the rising non-white majority among young people. As well as that, this nation is also home to what many call self-hating whites/White Liberals, who are the only subset of people who have a preference for every other racial groups except their own. Regardless, a conflict is inevitable and we are seeing it play out in front of our eyes.

This conflict is present in Portland, Oregon were rioters and looters took over for 90 consecutive days during the summer. While that happened, a Trump supporter was killed during a caravan of Trump supporters driving through Portland. This conflict remained when Trump took the stage in front of Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, where he defended historic American identity, culture, heritage, history that has come to define America. Compare that to Biden’s announce ad, where he brings up Charlottesville, where he attacks peaceful civilians who wanted to protect the Robert E. Lee statue and compares them the many of the “Alt-Right” or the Left there. The conflict is not just over two nations with two radical visions, but it go deeper, to what is America. Is America an idea, as Biden indicates, who’s history, identity and people doesn’t matter or is it a nation with an history, culture, people and a heritage? The answer to this question will show a blind observer which side people are on. To someone like Tucker Carlson, America is not an idea, but a place, with people, a culture, a identity and a history worth celebrating. While Tucker knows we are a special place, this America is foreign to people who’s ancestors were slaves or were conquered. Inherently this divide shows what the real America is, a White, Christian, Conservative Nation that is definable.

This White, Christian, Conservative Nation is against what the Left and the Globalist Right. This nation is the nation of evil racist, White men who discovered a continent, built it and became the greatest nation of all time. For the Globalist Right, this nation not only doesn’t exist, but it should be killed for the all mighty dollar. The America this Right looks toward is the America George Bush described in 1990, in his proposal for the New World Order. The America of Open Borders, Open Trade and Open Markets, where people can buy and sell their products, and effectively live in a marketplace. This vision of America has crashed and burned, with endless wars in the Middle East, free trade destroying small towns, and massive amounts of labor and people being absorbed into America. This vision is the one that Donald J. Trump ran against in 2016, going up against a hostile GOP Establishment and a Democratic Party who triumph the vision of George Bush. Instead Trump laid out a new path, with “Americanism not Globalism” and “MAGA” being the statements. Trump’s vision was the one of economic nationalism, immigration restriction and an America First foreign policy. As a result of his run, he won key states that Barack Obama won, including Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. While he won these states by less than 100, 000 votes, he was able to bring many of the White-Working Class and Union Workers over the Republican Party. This accomplishment has also led to a real restructuring with the Republican Party and the Democratic Party as we have seen. The Republican Party, whether they like it or not, has become the party of White Working Class and the Traditional American Nation, while the Democratic Party has become the Party of Cosmopolitan Elites and Wall Street.

This political realignment has been seen in 2020, where Joe Biden and the Democratic Party have gone full anti-American, anti-White and anti-Christian. From the removal of God in the DNC convention, to the attack of many Democratic leaders on America, this election is down to the Traditional American Nation surviving or total annihilation. This is obvious in the rhetoric as well as the polices for the Democrats. On immigration, under President Biden, we will aslyum and refguees at record high numbers, looser immigration restriction and amnesty for at least 11 million illegal aliens. This amnesty would wipe the chances of a future Republican victory, with Arizona, Texas, Florida, Georgia, Colorado, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Minnesota going blue forever. At that point the Republican Party will either die or become like the 2008-2012 Democratic Party. Even without an amnesty, massive amounts of immigration via green cards and visas will come into the country, creating an electoral winter for Republicans. Even with mass immigration + amnesty, Republicans are barely holding on, with once Republican strongholds like Texas, Florida, Georgia, Arizona and North Carolina becoming battleground states.

On the economy, Biden would raise taxes even higher, as well as support the Green New Deal, end fracking and fossil fuels, put us into more bad trade deals and extend Corona lockdowns. This is all good for Wall Street and Big Business, who would benefit with longer lockdowns and more cheap labor in the country. This economic news would be bad for the American worker as higher taxes and jobs going to immigrants will make many have a worse quality of life. With Trump, taxes are being cut, while new and more improved trade deals have been made, such as the USMCA.

These two issues among with many others show the divide with the campaigns, and who actually cares about America. Trump has made sure Americans can celebrate their heritage, history and identity, while continuing to Make America Great Again. Biden in comparison has no leg to stand on, and his positions are decided by the D.C Establishment who policies have hurt American workers, destroyed the family and have massive waves of immigration. On November 4th, we know who to chose. We must chose Trump for his commitment to America First, and putting America before everyone else.

TRUMP 2020

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